New Year’s resolutions: unwarranted stress or the perfect time for goal-setting?

As we step into the new year, the weight of resolutions and the cliche ‘new year, new me’ narrative coupled with the dreariness of January can certainly be overwhelming.

Throughout December, we reflected on our 2023 journey, set our strategic direction, and discussed our goals for 2024. The work we did on Skating Panda’s 2023 Impact Report was invaluable for these discussions, informing our strategy for 2024 and holding us accountable to our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals – and beyond.

While we strive for continuous improvement both individually and as a purposeful business, the turn of the year serves as a natural checkpoint to take stock and look ahead.  It’s crucial to approach this thoughtfully and ‘SMART’ -ly to avoid the anxiety, stress and guilt that often accompany resolutions.

At Skating Panda, we champion the SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. This seamlessly aligns with our work in social and environmental impact, acknowledging that meaningful change often emerges from well-defined, achievable actions.

For our Pandas, we advocate small, achievable targets to pave the way for lasting habits. Choosing resolutions that prioritise emotional and mental health and building positive habits for a gentle transformation.

Join us in mapping 2024 with purpose and impact. For individuals, let’s set SMART targets for personal growth, and for each business, share your mindful resolutions. Remember, the new year doesn’t necessitate a new you; it’s about aspiring to be a kinder, healthier, and happier version of who you already are. This doesn’t need to detract from any commercial goals. We can’t wait to get started and make 2024 a year defined by positive change and re-growth.

Stay tuned for our upcoming Impact Report, a testament to our commitment to creating a thriving planet and a healthier, fairer society.